Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

Squaw Bay Buoys

June 16, 2006
Sue Jones 224-3764
Land & Water Resources

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 16, 2006 Contact: Sue Jones (224-3764 or 516-4745 (cell)) The Dane County Department of Land and Water Resources today announced that the buoys marking a navigational channel in Squaw Bay in Lake Monona are now in place. The attached map shows that in Squaw Bay (the southeastern most section of Lake Monona), beginning south of a line from Tecumseh Avenue in the City of Monona, there are four sets of red and green waterway markers, marking a channel heading east that ends with two slow-no-wake buoys at the outlet to the Yahara River. These buoys were all installed with safety lights. Maps and informational signs regarding these buoys are posted at Lake Monona boat landings, the Tenney Locks, and other key locations for the boating public. These navigational markers, authorized by section 72.12 of the Dane County Code of Ordinances, were recommended by the Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission’s Slow-No-Wake Task Force in late 2005, and the Dane County Board adopted the ordinance authorizing their placement in April of this year. The Department of Natural Resources then approved Dane County’s application to place these waterway markers. Although not a requirement, it is hoped that many boaters would follow the channel at slow-no-wake speed, thereby increasing safety in one of the most concentrated areas of boat traffic in the Yahara Lakes system. Slow-no-wake means the minimum speed at which a motorized watercraft is able to move and maintain steerage. # # #