Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

Take a Stake in the Lakes Clean Up Events 2010 - Part of Take a Stake in the Lakes, June 3 - 26

June 11, 2010
Rhea Stangel-Maier, Adult Conservation Team Coordinator, 224-3601 Sue Jones, Watershed Management Coordinator, 224-3764 (office), 514-5452 (cell)
Land & Water Resources

 The 23rd Annual Take a Stake in the Lakes volunteer cleanup of the Yahara Lakes and other area waters will begin tomorrow, June 12th and again on Saturday, June 19th, 2010. Over the years, thousands of volunteers have removed hundreds of tons of waste from Lakes Mendota, Monona, Waubesa, Kegonsa and Wingra.

During Take a Stake in the Lakes clean up events, groups, individuals and families adopt a beach or shoreline, collect litter and rake aquatic debris from the shoreline and shallow waters. Some adopt boat launches while others paddle their canoes or kayaks to pick up trash. Many groups then have a picnic in the park they’ve just cleaned up. Volunteers also mark storm drains in their neighborhoods using either stencil kits and spray paint or colorful disks that are glued to the curb. The message reminds folks to keep waste, leaves and grass clippings out of the gutters, which drain directly to our lakes and streams.

While most groups have already reserved their park or shoreline for this Saturday, June 12th, volunteers can go to the information center on the Alumni Pier at Memorial Union on the UW Campus in Madison tomorrow morning beginning at 9 a.m. to help pick up garbage or check out equipment to mark storm drains.Lakes Mendota and Kegonsa will be the focus tomorrow, while Lakes Monona, Waubesa and Wingra will be the focus on Saturday, June 19th, 9 a.m.- noon, with the information center at Law Park in Madison. Garbage bags, gloves and t-shirts are provided, but volunteers should “dress for mess.”

Dane County Public Works barges will pickup aquatic trash and debris from Lake Mendota and Lake Kegonsa shoreline residents’ piers beginning on Monday, June 14 and on Lake Monona and Waubesa starting on Monday, June 21. Barges make only ONE pass around the lake starting at 6 a.m. Aquatic debris must be on shoreline residents’ piers by 6 a.m. even though it may take several days to get to everyone’s pier. The pick up will only collect aquatic vegetation and other debris that have washed up on shore. They will not pick up yard waste, brush or household waste.

To participate, come to the information center on either June 12 or 19. Contact Rhea Stangel-Maier at 608-224-3601 or with other questions.

Sponsored by the Dane County Lakes & Watershed Commission, Take a Stake in the Lakes Clean Ups are part of Take a Stake in the Lakes Days, which celebrate and promotes public awareness of the Yahara Lakes and other water resources in Dane County. The event is possible through cooperation from Dane County Parks, Dane County Public Works and Dane County UW Extension, and is sponsored by many local businesses and organizations. More information on Take a Stake in the Lakes Days is available at

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