Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

County Executive Encourages Public Input on Five Year Plan for Dane County Parks

November 28, 2011
Dane County Land and Water Resources Attn: Chris James, Park Planner 1 Fen Oak Court Room 234 Madison, WI 53718 Phone: 608.224.3763
Land & Water Resources

Dane County Land & Water Resources to Hold Town Hall Meeting
Next Month, Accept Comment Until End of the Year

Dane County Executive Joe Parisi is encouraging the public to make their voice heard on the county’s 2012-2017 Parks and Open Space Plan, a proposal that will help guide the use of Dane County’s natural places for the next five years. 

“We all have a stake in protecting and promoting Dane County’s beautiful landscapes,” said Parisi.  “I encourage residents and visitors to participate in this unique opportunity to influence the way these lands will be used, not just in the next five years, but for decades to come.”

The Parks and Open Space Plan, prepared by the county’s Land and Water Resources Department, identifies significant natural, cultural and historical resources to be protected as well as future park, recreation and trail needs.  The plan must be updated every five years for Dane County to remain eligible to apply for state Stewardship grant dollars necessary to help support long-term investment in the county’s quality of life. 

The public input process began with a kick off meeting in December of 2010 and included five public listening sessions held throughout the county. On Thursday, December 8th, Dane County Parks will host another informational session at the Lussier Family Heritage Center, 3101 Lake Farm Road in the City of Madison at 7 p.m.  The meeting will allow the public to be briefed on the plan and provide feedback on the draft plan recommendations. 

Recommendations found within the draft proposal were based on a variety of planning criteria including local and regional recreation trends, public and stakeholder input, comments gathered through an online feedback form, related planning efforts, population demographics, partnership opportunities and land management considerations. 

The plan also provides an inventory of the existing park system and makes recommendations for new program initiatives, future park improvements, land acquisition areas, trail projects and park management objectives to be carried out during the next five years by the Dane County Land and Water Resources Department.

“Our park system has grown significantly over the past 10 years, both in acreage and recreation opportunities provided,” said Dane County Park Commission Chair, Bill Lunney.  “We are excited about many of the proposed initiatives outlined in this plan including several new natural resource areas, expanded trails, and ideas to incorporate community agriculture on County park lands.”  

The 2012-2017 Dane County Parks and Open Space is available for review with a feedback form at on the draft plan will be accepted by phone, letter or e-mail until December 31st, 2011 and will then be reviewed by an Advisory Committee appointed by the County Executive.  The plan could be completed by the county and adopted by the Dane County Board early in 2012.

For more information, or to obtain a copy of the 2012-2017 Parks and Open Space Plan, please contact the Dane County Parks Planner at:

Dane County Land and Water Resources
Attn: Chris James, Park Planner
1 Fen Oak Court Room 234
Madison, WI 53718
Phone: 608.224.3763