Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

County Snowmobile Trails to close for 24 hours

December 27, 2013
Duane Meyers, President Council of Snowmobile Clubs 608-235-5010 Darren Marsh Parks Director 608-575-5310
Land & Water Resources


All County Snowmobile Trails to Close from 6:00 AM on Saturday December 28th through 6:00 AM Sunday December 29th

County Snowmobile Trails

All snowmobile trails including state trails within Dane County will be closed from 6:00 AM Saturday December 28ththrough 6:00 AM December 29th


Our goal for closing the trails for this 24 hour period is to protect the trail base, stated Duane Meyers, President of the Council of Snowmobile Clubs.  The temperature is predicted to reach the high 30’s and possibly the low 40’s on Saturday, then it’s suppose to drop rapidly. The trail base will then freeze down again.  With the addition of the light snow predicted for Sunday going into Monday, we should once again be able to provide additional riding opportunities. 


Parks Director Darren Marsh added that trail conditions will be marginal until there are a few larger snowfalls to help build up the trail base.  Many sections of the county trails system have rough areas, especially through open wind swept fields.  Marsh also notes that trail users must stay on the designated mark trails.  Venturing off the trails is considered trespassing and violators may be issued citations. 


County Cross-Country Ski Trails and Winter Recreation Areas

All county ski trails have been groomed and tracked for the upcoming weekend.  Park staff report heavy use at Indian Lake and Token Creek County Parks.


For latest information on all the county trails, call our 24/7 Trails Information line at (608)

242-4576 or our visit our website for trail conditions and maps at