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Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

Retain the Rain workshop: Learn how to help area lakes and streams, provide food for butterflies and beautify your yard all at the same time!

February 13, 2014
Marcia Hartwig, Madison Area Municipal Storm Water Partnership Education Coordinator, 608-224-3746,,
Land & Water Resources

The Retain the Rain! Workshop will explain how to plan for and install rain gardens to help local lakes and streams. These simple yet effective projects help rain soak into the ground instead of becoming pollution-carrying stormwater on its way to our lakes and streams. The workshop will be held:


Saturday, March 1, 2014, 8:30 a.m.–11:30 AM

Conference Room, 121A
LFA Agriculture and Conservation Center
5201 Fen Oak Drive
Madison, WI  53718,

Rain gardens are an attractive way to reduce lawn-maintenance time and costs, beautify your yard and help your lakes, rivers and streams all at the same time. Rain gardens trap rain water so it soaks into the ground. The more rain that soaks into the ground is less pollution rushing to the river and lakes. Otherwise, stormwater from streets, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots and rooftops usually makes its way to the nearest lake or stream via the nearest storm drain. It gets there fast and carries pollution with it. Rain gardens help keep our waterways healthy by reducing stormwater runoff.

The Plant Dane! Cost-Share Program (, which provides plants at less than half of retail cost thanks to the Graham-Martin Foundation, will also be covered at the workshop for those interested in ordering plants for their gardens and yards. In addition to a great choice for rain gardens, native wildflowers provide blooms from spring through fall and provide habitat for birds, butterflies and other beneficial insects. Forty-six of the 75 species available through the program provide butterfly habitat.

The workshop will also cover the latest in rain harvesting techniques—no more ugly rain barrels! Modular containers provide water perfect for your outdoor needs. Units will be displayed and ordering options discussed at the workshop.

Workshop registration deadline is February 21st. The cost for the workshop is $5. The registration form is available at

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