Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

Dane County to Remove Emergency Slow-no-wake Restriction for Lake Monona’s Squaw Bay

July 17, 2018
John Reimer, Dane County Land and Water Resources, (608) 224-3612
Land & Water Resources

Dane County is removing the emergency slow-no-wake restriction on Monona’s Squaw Bay effective Tuesday July 17th at noon. These emergency orders went into effect in June due to high lake levels. Due to the dry weather and mitigation efforts to improve flow in the Yahara River, the Yahara Lake levels have been declining at great rates. Currently, all emergency slow-no-wake orders have been lifted.

Dane County’s normal slow-no-wake ordinance is still in effect and establishes a 200-ft slow-no-wake zone along the entire shorelines of Lakes Mendota, Monona, Waubesa and Kegonsa.  Within that zone, boaters must not travel faster than slow-no-wake speed, which means the minimum speed at which a motorized watercraft is able to move and maintain adequate steerage control.

Additional information about slow-no-wake can be found on the Dane County Land & Water Resources Department’s website ( For questions regarding slow-no-wake, call the Dane County Land & Water Resources Department at 608-224-3730.

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