Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

Urban Stormwater Grants Available to Eligible Dane County Municipalities

February 15, 2008
Sue Jones, 224-3764
Land & Water Resources

February 15, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Urban Stormwater Grants Available to Eligible Dane County Municipalities Projects improve stormwater quality; Applications due April 1 Municipalities wanting to improve their urban stormwater drains to snag garbage and sediment before flowing into local lakes may apply for county grants under the ongoing Land and Water Legacy Fund, Dane County leaders announced today. “These grants will help fund local efforts to clean stormwater drains and trap the dirt and litter in urban runoff to keep them from fouling our lakes and streams,” Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk said. Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission Chair Brett Hulsey and Dane County Land Conservation Committee Chair Jerry Jensen joined in the announcement of the 2008 program to improve the quality of urban stormwater runoff entering Dane County lakes, rivers and streams, increase public awareness of urban water quality issues, and provide public education for urban stormwater quality improvement practices. Since 2005, Dane County has made funds available to municipalities for this cost-sharing program to improve storm drain outlets that dump untreated stormwater and litter into county lakes, rivers, and streams. The county funds are to be matched with municipal matching expenditures. Initial annual grant funding available was $50,000 in 2005, and was increased to $100,000 in 2006. The 2008 budget increased annual funding to $150,000, and the program is now part of the county’s Land and Water Legacy Fund initiatives. The Legacy Fund is designed to build upon the successes of the Conservation Fund by supporting efforts to keep the county lands green and the county waters blue. The Legacy Fund is supported by $2.66 million in bonding in the 2008 budget. "This is a valuable partnership the county has with local municipalities to protect our waters by re-tooling the aging stormwater drains,” Falk said. Hulsey echoed Falk’s comments and called the program an effective and efficient use of funds. "One of the best ways to clean up our lakes is to clean up the hundreds of uncontrolled storm sewers that dump pollution into our lakes," Hulsey said. "Dane County is happy to work with local governments to clean up this pollution source to make our beaches safer for swimming and cut algae growth in our lakes." Jensen added: “Many people don’t know that water coming from stormwater outfalls is untreated. This program can help ensure that cleaner water flows from these outfalls into our lakes and streams.” Financial assistance is available up to 50% of the total cost of construction of best management practices (not to exceed $35,000) that will provide efficient, cost-effective treatment of urban runoff. In order to be considered for funding, practices must be constructed and fully functional by the end of 2008. Additional funding for urban catch basins (70% state cost share) may be available under the Lake Mendota Priority Watershed Program. The initial deadline for project submittals is April 1. Funding criteria and application information are available online at:, and from Jeremy Balousek in the Dane County Land and Water Resources Department, 608/224-3747. # # #