Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

11th Annual Better Lawns and Gutters Tour Set for Sunday, June 19

June 10, 2005
Sue Jones, Watershed Management Coordinator, 224-3764 Diane Walder, 442-7248
Land & Water Resources

This year’s Better Lawns and Gutters Tour features eight Madison eastside residences that exemplify a variety of low-maintenance lawn and garden practices that reduce stormwater runoff and the amount of nutrients, chemicals and other pollutants that are carried from our lawns, gutters and streets into our lakes and streams. Each site presents alternatives to traditional turf lawns, such as planting deep-rooted native species. Natives hold soil better and help infiltration, which reduces storm water runoff. Installing a rain barrel conserves roof water runoff, reduces groundwater use and provides a tap-water alternative that’s better for watering outdoor plants. “The tour shows how people can make small changes around their home that will have a cumulative positive impact on our lakes,” said Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk. Visitors can take the tour between noon and 4:00 p.m., and begin at any of the eight sites or at the Information Center, located at Bethesda Church, 3245 E Washington Avenue. Tour site homeowners will be available to discuss the details of their lawn and garden creations. The Tour sites are located at: 3137 James Street 232 S. Fair Oaks Avenue 3362 Ridgeway Avenue 406 North Street 3437 Hargrove Street 1443 Spaight Street Carpenter Street Park and Carpenter-Ridgeway Park The tour is part of Yahara Lakes Week, an annual series of free events that focus on Dane County waters. Visit or call 608-224-3764 for more information about Yahara Lakes Week events and the Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission. ###