Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Land & Water Resources Department

Erosion Control and Shoreland Erosion Control 

Erosion and uncontrolled stormwater runoff can have adverse impacts on both land and water. To reduce these impacts, Dane County Ordinance Chapter 14 (PDF) requires a permit for specific land disturbing activities that occur in Dane County. Use the links below to 1) determine if you need a permit, 2) link to permit application materials and tools, and 3) find out more information about the permit.


Permit Applications & Tools

Checks should be made out to "Dane County Treasurer"


Permit Information

An Erosion Control Permit or a Shoreland Erosion Control Permit is required for any of the following:

  • Land disturbing activity in excess of 4,000 square feet of land
  • Land disturbing activity that involves excavation, filling, or a combination of excavation and filling, in excess of 400 cubic yards of material
  • Disturbing more than 100 lineal feet of road ditch, grass waterway, or other existing open channel
  • Creating a new public or private road or access drive longer than 125 feet
  • Recording a subdivision plat
  • Any other land disturbing activity (even if less than 4,000 square feet) that the local approval authority determines to have a high risk of soil erosion or water pollution, or that may significantly impact a lake, stream, or wetland area
  • Any land disturbing activity in the shoreland zone (see below)
Extent of the shoreland zone

The Shoreland Zone includes all lands within:

  • 1000 feet from the ordinary high-water mark (OHWM) of navigable lakes, ponds, or flowages
  • 300 feet of the ordinary high-water mark (OHWM) or landward side of the floodplain of the navigable reaches of rivers and streams
  • 75 feet of the shoreland or inland wetland district
  • Note: Shoreland Zone Erosion Control Plans must be stamped by a licensed professional engineer (P.E.). Minor projects may be exempt from the P.E. stamp requirement. Check with Water Resource Engineering staff to see if your project qualifies for an exemption.

Other Helpful Links

Click on the buttons below to view information about other permits.